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Telephone Online CounsellingWe recognize that there are barriers (accessibility and scheduling) that may prevent some of our clients from accessing our face-to-face counselling service. To address this need our staff have collectively decided to offer counselling services via telephone or skype (online).

Our treatment model over the telephone or skype is no different than our face-to-face model. We work together to create goals and develop a plan to help you meet them. Session by session we will monitor your progress to ensure that you are moving forward.

If you have any questions, and would like to schedule a time to speak with us, please feel free to call us at 416-999-3437.

We look forward to being a part of your success.

**Please Note**
Counselling Services for York Region is NOT an emergency crisis line. If you are experiencing an emergency (feeling suicida), please go to your nearest emergency facility or call 911.

Our Mission...

Our mission is to provide innovative, effective, and empirically supported counselling and educational services to individuals, couples, and families who experience mental/physical health issues and/or value personal growth and development.
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© 2021  ·  Vaughan Counselling  ·  Vaughan, Ontario  ·  All rights reserved.